The collection of all our Wedding Bouquets in one place. At 7leafshop we can create for your entire wedding set based on the Bridal Bouquet of your choice. It may include Bridesmaids bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, hair combs, bobby pins, wedding arches, and more
Tiffany Wedding bouquet (Tall)
$149.99This Beautiful Bridal Bouquet is colorful and contemporary. It includes a pretty mix of dried Daises, Corn, Eucalyptus, Seed Heads and various other meadow flowers. Our Wild Flower range is inspired by the British countryside and perfect for all year around weddings.
Please note flowers may vary slightly in shape/coloration. For wedding orders I can happily share photos first.
Bouquet Height | Roughly 45cm |
Each of our bouquets are carefully hand picked and gift wrapped to best match our shop images. This is also a sustainable product that requires no watering.